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Author Identification Number [BACK TO TOP]
Digital Author-ID: 6701479494 (Scopus)
Author ID:
info:eu-repo/dai/nl/268015384 (SURF,
The Netherlands)
Digital Author
M-4466-2014 at
researchID from Thomson-Reuters
Digital Author ID: 0000-0002-2596-395X at ORCID
My Profile in Google Scholar is HERE and in Semantic Scholar HERE
Behaviour and Information Technology - 25 Years Celebration. [CfP]
[Free Papers]
Special issue in Interacting with Computers, Volume 21, Issues 5–6, December
In Memoriam: Professor Brian Shackel (1927 – 2007) [CfP]
[Special-Issue.zip] [Brian
Shackel] [Shackel's-papers.zip]
ENTERTAINMENT COMPUTING - Young Investigator Award 2012
My most recent publications [BACK TO TOP ]
-----------------2024 [BACK TO TOP]
Kheirandish S., Rauterberg M. (2024). How to measure the human value awareness of design students? The Design Journal, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 630-655. (online) [IF=1.133] [TOP20des] [SJR] (cites)
Mohd Norzam MNA., Karjanto J., Yusof NM., Mohd Jawi Z., Rauterberg M. (2024). Motion sickness in a fully automated vehicle: how does passenger feel when engaging in non-driving related activities. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 1487-1504. (online) [IF=1.049] [SJR] (cites)
Qiu S., Kaisar E., Ding R., Han T., Hu J., Rauterberg M. (2024). Social balance ball: Designing and evaluating an exergame that promotes social interaction between older and younger players. Interational Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 40, no. 11, pp. 2838–2861. (online) [IF=4.920] [TOP10hci] [SJR] (cites)
Qiu S., Hu J., Han T., Rauterberg M. (2024). Can blindfolded users replace blind ones in product testing? an empirical study. Behaviour and Information Technology, vol. 43, no. 8, pp. 1664–1682. (online) [IF=3.320] [TOP10beh] [SJR] (cites)
2023 [BACK TO TOP]
Qiu S., An P., Kang K., Hu J., Han T., Rauterberg M. (2023). Investigating socially assistive systems from system design and evaluation: a systematic review. Universal Access in the Information Society, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 609-633. (online) [IF=2.629] [TOP10acc] [SJR] (cites)
2022 [BACK TO TOP]
Feng Y., Perugia G., Yu S., Barakova E., Hu J., Rauterberg M. (2022). Context-enhanced human-robot interaction: Exploring the role of system interactivity and multimodal stimuli on the engagement of people with dementia. International Journal of Social Robotics, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 807-826. (online) [IF=3.802] [TOP20rob] [SJR] (cites)
Hennig B., Rauterberg M. (2022). The significance of Aristotle's four causes for design research. Design Issues, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 35-43. (online) [IF=0.737] [SJR] (cites)
Karjanto J., Wils, H., Yusof N.Md., Terken JMB., Delbressine FLM., Rauterberg M. (2022). Measuring the perception of comfort in acceleration variation using electrocardiogram and self-rating measurement for the passengers in the automated vehicle. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 180-196. (online) [IF=0.979] [SJR] (cites)
Karjanto J., Yusof N.Md., Terken JMB., Delbressine FLM., Rauterberg M. (2022). Level of motion sickness based on heart rate variability when reading inside a fully automated vehicle. Mechanical Engineering for Society and Industry, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 72-81. (online) [IF=w.xyz] [SJR] (cites)
Perugia G., Díaz Boladeras M., Català Mallofré A., Barakova EI., Rauterberg M. (2022). ENGAGE-DEM: A model of engagement of people with dementia. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 926-943. (online) [IF=13.990] [TOP10hci] [SJR] (cites)
Qiu S., An P., Kang K., Hu J., Han T., Rauterberg M. (2022). A review of data gathering methods for evaluating socially assistive systems. Sensors, vol. 22, no. 1, article 82 (pp. 1-30). (online) [IF=3.847] [TOP1sen] [SJR] (cites)
She WJ, Ang CS., Neimeyer RA., Burke LA., Zhang Y., Jatowt A., Kawai Y., Hu J., Rauterberg M., Prigerson HG., Siriaraya P. (2022). Investigation of a web-based explainable AI screening for prolonged grief disorder. IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 41164-41185. (online) [IF=3.367] [TOP10ieee] [SJR] (cites)
Yusof N.Md., Karjanto J., Hassan, MZ., Terken JMB., Delbressine FLM., Rauterberg M. (2022). Reading during fully automated driving: A study of the effect of peripheral visual and haptic information on situation awareness and mental workload. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 19136-19144. (online) [IF=9.551] [TOP1trans] [SJR] (cites)
Zhou D., Barakova E., An P., Rauterberg M. (2022). Assistant robot enhances the perceived communication quality of people with dementia: A proof of concept. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 332-342. (online) [IF=2.968] [TOP10hci] [SJR] (cites)
2021 [BACK TO TOP]
Honegger F., Feng Y., Rauterberg M. (2021). Multimodality for passive experience: Effects of visual, auditory, vibration and draught stimuli on sense of presence. Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 582-608. (online) [IF=1.139] [TOP10un] [SJR] (cites)
Karjanto J., Yusof N.Md., Hassan, MZ., Terken JMB., Delbressine FLM., Rauterberg M. (2021). An on road study in mitigating motion sickness when reading in automated driving. Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences), vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 95-109. (online) [IF=0.486] [SJR] (cites)
Lim V., Bartram L., Funk M., Rauterberg M. (2021). Eco-feedback for food waste reduction in a student residence. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, vol. 5, article 658898, pp. 1-18. (online) [IF=1.741] [TOP10fs] [SJR] (cites)
Van Zoelen E., Van den Bosch K., Rauterberg M., Barakova E., Neerinxc M. (2021). Identifying interaction patterns of tangible co-adaptations in human-robot team behaviors. Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 12, article 645545, pp. 1-16. (online) [IF=2.990] [TOP1psy] [SJR] (cites)
2020 [BACK TO TOP]
Cazacu S., Rauterberg M. (2020). Exploring opportunities for community building in Atlas – the world’s most sustainable education building. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities, vol. 4, no. 9, e5 (pp. 1-16). (online) [IF=w.xyz] [SJR] (cites)
Feng Y., Barakova E., Yu S., Hu J., Rauterberg M. (2020). Effects of the level of interactivity of a social robot and the response of the augmented reality display in contextual interactions of people with dementia. Sensors, vol. 20, no. 13, article 3771 (pp. 1-12). (online) [IF=3.275] [TOP10sen] [SJR] (cites)
Kheirandish S., Funk M., Wensveen S., Verkerk M., Rauterberg M. (2020). A comprehensive value framework for design. Technology in Society, vol. 62, article 101302 (pp. 1-12). (online) [IF=1.670] [TOP10ts] [SJR] (cites)
Kheirandish S., Funk M., Wensveen S., Verkerk M., Rauterberg M. (2020). HuValue: A tool to support design students in considering human values in their design. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, vol. 30, pp. 1015-1041. (online) [IF=1.339] [TOP1de] [SJR] (cites)
Qiu S., An P., Hu J., Han T., Rauterberg M. (2020). Understanding visually impaired people’s experiences of social signal perception in face-to-face communication. Universal Access in the Information Society, vol. 19, pp. 873-890. (online) [IF=3.078] [TOP10acc] [SJR] (cites)
Qiu S., Hu J., Han T., Osawa H., Rauterberg M. (2020). An evaluation of a wearable assistive device for augmenting social interactions. IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 164661-164677. (online) [IF=3.745] [TOP10ieee] [SJR] (cites)
Qiu S., Hu J., Han T., Osawa H., Rauterberg M. (2020). Social glasses: Simulating interactive gaze for visually impaired people in face-to-face communication. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 839-855. (online) [IF=3.353] [TOP20hci] [SJR] (cites)
Van Erp G., Arends J., Rauterberg M. (2020). Physiological changes during conscious and unconscious emotional reactions in persons with temporal lobe epilepsy: a pilot study. Archive in Neurology & Neuroscience, vol. 9, no. 3, article 713 (pp. 1-24). (online) [IF=0.080] [SJR] (cites)
Wang C., Terken J., Hu J., Rauterberg M. (2020). Enhancing social closeness between drivers by digital augmentation. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 477-494. (online) [IF=3.353] [TOP20hci] [SJR] (cites)
Yusof N.Md., Karjanto J., Terken JMB., Delbressine FLM., Rauterberg M. (2020). Gaining situation awareness through a vibrotactile display to mitigate motion sickness in fully-automated driving cars. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 7771-7783. (online) [IF=0.924] [SJR] (cites)
2023 [BACK TO TOP]
Rauterberg M., Saariluoma P. (2023). What are the drivers in cultural development. In: C. Stephanidis, M. Antona, S. Ntoa, G. Salvendy (ed.), HCI International Posters - Part III (Communications in Computer and Information Science, CCIS vol. 1834; pp. 510-517), Cham: SpringerNature. (online) [IF=0.528] [SJR] (cites)
2022 [BACK TO TOP]
Rauterberg M. (2022). About non-living things and living systems as cultural determinants. In: M. Rauterberg (ed.), Culture and Computing - HCII C&C (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS vol. 13324; pp. 445–463), Cham: SpringerNature. (online) [IF=0.969] [SJR] (cites)
2021 [BACK TO TOP]
Rauterberg M. (2021). How to access and transform the unconscious for cultural development. In: M. Rauterberg (ed.), Culture and Computing - HCII C&C (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS vol. 12795; pp. 274-294), Cham: SpringerNature. (online) [IF=1.363] [SJR] (cites)
Wang X., Hu J., Hengeveld B., Rauterberg M. (2021). Strategies for panel sequence segmentations in d-comics. In: N. Streitz & S. Konomi (eds.), Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interaction - HCII DAPI (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS vol. 12782; pp. 260-272), Cham: SpringerNature. (online) [IF=1.363] [SJR] (cites)
2020 [BACK TO TOP]
Anas SAB. Liang RH., Hu J., Rauterberg M. (2020). Designing proactive objects with artificial eyes based on perceptual crossing paradigm. In: Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication - ROMAN (IEEE Catalog Number: 9219088; pp. 237-244), Piscataway: IEEE. (online) [IF=0.877] [TOP10huro] [SJR] (cites)
Chang HM., Ivonin L.,Diaz M., Catala A., Rauterberg M. (2020). Mood boards as a tool for studying emotions as building blocks of the collective unconscious. In: M. Rauterberg (ed.), Culture and Computing - HCII C&C (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS vol. 12215; pp. 3-18), Cham: SpringerNature. (online) [IF=1.174] [SJR] (cites)
Ibarra MJ., Ibañez V., Silveira IF., Collazos CA., Wallner G., Rauterberg M. (2020). Serious games for learning: a quantitative review of literature. In: M. Ma, B. Fletcher, S. Göbel, J. Baalsrud Hauge, T. Marsh (eds.) Serious Games - JCSG (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS vol. 12434; pp. 164-174), Cham: SpringerNature. (online) [IF=1.174] [SJR] (cites)
Karjanto J., Yusof N.Md., Zulkifli AFH., Terken J., Delbressine F., Rauterberg M. (2020). Frequency-domain analysis of heart rate variability in passenger’s motion sickness using fast fourier transform and autoregressive modelings. In: MFB. Abdollah, H. Amiruddin, ASP. Singh (eds.) Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day - MERD (pp. 8-9), Melaka: Centre for Advanced Research on Energy. (online) [IF=w.xyz] [SJR] (cites)
Karjanto J., Yusof N.Md., Mustaffa N., Terken J., Delbressine F., Rauterberg M. (2020). Comparative evaluation of two peripheral information systems using motion sickness subjective rating. In: MFB. Abdollah, H. Amiruddin, ASP. Singh (eds.) Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day - MERD (pp. 10-11), Melaka: Centre for Advanced Research on Energy. (online) [IF=w.xyz] [SJR] (cites)
Karjanto J., Wils H., Yusof N.Md., Nazar MISM., Terken J., Delbressine F., Rauterberg M. (2020). Quantifying the automated vehicle passenger’s level of comfort in the longitudinal and lateral directiong. In: MFB. Abdollah, H. Amiruddin, ASP. Singh (eds.) Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day - MERD (pp. 12-13), Melaka: Centre for Advanced Research on Energy. (online) [IF=w.xyz] [SJR] (cites)
Kheirandish S., Rauterberg M. (2020). How to utilize the HuValue tool for daily life product design. In: M. Rauterberg (ed.), Culture and Computing - HCII C&C (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS vol. 12215; pp. 338-357), Cham: SpringerNature. (online) [IF=1.174] [SJR] (cites)
Van Zoelen E., Barakova EI., Rauterberg M. (2020). Adaptive leader-follower behavior in human-robot collaboration. In: Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication - ROMAN (IEEE Catalog Number: 9219088; pp. 1259-1265), Piscataway: IEEE. (online) [IF=0.877] [TOP10huro] [SJR] (cites)
Yusof N.Md., Karjanto J.,Sulaiman S., Terken J., Delbressine F., Rauterberg M. (2020). Effect of improving gravito-inertial force of the vehicle occupants in reducing severity of motion sickness. In: MFB. Abdollah, H. Amiruddin, ASP. Singh (eds.) Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day - MERD (pp. 6-7), Melaka: Centre for Advanced Research on Energy. (online) [IF=x.xxx] [SJR] (cites)
Yusof N.Md., Karjanto J.,Shetty N., Hassan MZ., Terken J., Delbressine F., Rauterberg M. (2020). Proof of concept of the vibration pattern in inducing calming effect for autonomous vehicle’s occupants. In: MFB. Abdollah, H. Amiruddin, ASP. Singh (eds.) Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day - MERD (pp. 16-17), Melaka: Centre for Advanced Research on Energy. (online) [IF=x.xxx] [SJR] (cites)
Book Chapter [BACK TO TOP]
Ciancarini P., Nakatsu R., Rauterberg M. (2024) Entertainment computing: Past, present, and future. In: J. Vanderdonckt, P. Palanque, M. Winckler (eds.), Handbook of Human Computer Interaction. (chapter no. 8), Cham: SpringerNature.
Tan C.F., Chen W., Rauterberg M. (2019). Evaluation for smart air travel support system. In: W.Y. Leong (ed.), EEG Signal Processing: Feature Extraction, Selection and Classification Methods (pp. 141-163), London: The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Rauterberg M. (ed.) (2024). Culture and Computing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS vol. 14717). Cham: SpringerNature Switzerland AG. [ISBN: 978-3-031-61147-6]
Rauterberg M. (ed.) (2023). Culture and Computing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS vol. 14035). Cham: SpringerNature Switzerland AG. [ISBN: 978-3-031-34732-0]
Rauterberg M. (ed.) (2022). Culture and Computing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS vol. 13324). Cham: SpringerNature Switzerland AG. [ISBN: 978-3-031-05433-4]
Rauterberg M. (ed.) (2021). Culture and Computing-Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS vol. 12794). Cham: SpringerNature Switzerland AG. [ISBN: 978-3-030-77410-3]
Rauterberg M. (ed.) (2021). Culture and Computing-Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS vol. 12794). Cham: SpringerNature Switzerland AG. [ISBN: 978-3-030-77430-1]
Stephanidis C., Harris D., Li WC, Schmorrow DD., Fidopiastis CM., Antona M., Gao Q., Zhou J., Zaphiris P., Ioannou A., Sottilare RA., Schwarz J., Rauterberg M. (ed.) (2021). HCI International 2021-Late Breaking Papers: Cognition, Inclusion, Learning, and Culture (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS vol. 13096). Cham: SpringerNature Switzerland AG. [ISBN: 978-3-030-90327-5]
Rauterberg M. (ed.) (2020). Culture and Computing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS vol. 12215). Cham: SpringerNature Switzerland AG. [ISBN: 978-3-030-50267-6]
Nakatsu R., Rauterberg M., Ciancarini P. (eds.) (2017). Handbook of Digital Games and Entertainment Technologies. Singapore: Springer.[ISBN: 978-981-4560-52-8]
Data Set
Vahdat M., Carvalho MB., Funk M.,
Rauterberg M., Hu J., Anguita D. (2016). Learning
analytics for Lix puzzle-game. DANS-Data
Archiving and Networked Services.
Betancourt A. (2015). Hand detection dataset. UNIGE-HANDS.
Carvalho MB. (2015). Comparison of two models for serious games analysis. DANS-Data Archiving and Networked Services.
Vahdat M., Oneto L., Anguita D., Funk M., Rauterberg M. (2015). Educational Process Mining (EPM): A learning analytics data set. UCI Machine Learning Repository.
My favourite 34 PhD students [BACK TO TOP]
Yuan FENG (2022). Rich interaction for people with dementia - Designing interactive systems with rich interaction for enhancing engagement of people with dementia living in long-term care facilities. PhD Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technolog. Awarded in 2022 with CUM LAUDE, the top 5% thesis at TU/e. Assistant Professor at Industrial Design, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China |
[2016-2022] | |
Siti Aisyah binti ANAS (2021). Perceptual crossing with artificial eyes. PhD Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technolog. Lecturer at Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malasyia Melaka, Malaysia |
[2015-2021] | |
Oscar Ricardo Juarez URIZAR (2020). Emotion estimation in crowds - A machine learning approach. PhD Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technolog. Data Scientist - People Analytics at ING Bank, Netherlands |
[2015-2020] | |
Eunice Njeri MWANGI (2020).
Gaze-based interaction for effective tutoring with social robots.
PhD Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technolog. Lecturer at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenia |
[2015-2020] | |
Nidzamuddin Bin Md. YUSOF (2019).
Comfort in autonomous car
- Mitigating motion sickness by enhancing situation awareness through haptic displays. PhD Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technolog. Lecturer at Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malasyia Melaka, Malaysia |
[2014-2019] | |
Juffrizal Bin KARJANTO
Designing visual peripheral information system for
fully automated driving. PhD Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technolog. Lecturer at Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malasyia Melaka, Malaysia |
[2014-2019] | |
Xinwei WANG (2019).
Segmentation of panels in d-comics. PhD Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology. Lecturer at Department of Industrial Design, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China |
[2012-2019] | |
Shi QIU (2019).
Social glasses - Designing gaze behaviors for visually impaired people. PhD Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology. Assistant Professor at School of Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China |
[2014-2019] | |
Juan Sebastián
representations - Building knowledge through an active representational
process based on deep generative models. |
[2014-2018] | |
PERUGIA (2018).
ENGAGE-DEM - A model of engagement of people with
dementia. PhD Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology & Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Assistant Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands |
[2014-2018] | |
Shadi KHEIRANDISH (2018).
HuValue - A tool to enrich design concepts
with human values. [HuValue
Tool] PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology. Lecturer at Alzahra University, Iran |
[2013-2018] | |
(2018). Toward
empowerment - Screening prolonged grief disorder in the first six months
of bereavement . [TOOL] PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology. Research Associate in Medicine Center for Research on End-of-Life Care at Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, USA |
[2015-2018] | |
(2017). The
social car -
Enhancing communication between
drivers by digital augmentation. PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology. Senior Scientist at Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH, Germany |
[2013-2017] | |
story production interaction - A design approach towards
interactive installations.
PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology. Lecturer at College of Furniture and Industrial Design, Nanjing Forest University, China |
[2013-2017] | |
analytics and educational data mining for inquiry-based learning.
PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology & Università degli Studi di Genova. Design Researcher. |
[2014-2017] | |
Veranika LIM
opportunites in reducing domestic food waste - A collective approach.
PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology & Università degli Studi di Genova. PostDoc Researcher at Imperial College, U.K. |
[2013-2017] | |
Serious games for learning.
PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology & Università degli Studi di Genova. PostDoc Researcher at Tilburg University, Netherlands |
[2014-2017] | |
Ego hands - A unified framework for hand-based methods in first
person vision videos.
PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology & Università degli Studi di Genova. Awarded in 2017 with CUM LAUDE, the top 5% thesis at TU/e. Business Analytics Leader at Ecopetrol, Colombia |
[2014-2017] | |
Pongpanote GONGSOOK (2016).
Interactive diagnostic game for time perception. PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology & Università degli Studi di Genova. Software Engineer at SeaChange Software Solutions B.V., Eindhoven, Netherlands |
[2011-2016] | |
Danu PRANANTHA (2015).
Experiments on flow and learning in games. PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology & Università degli Studi di Genova. Lecturer at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia. |
[2011-2015] | |
Marija NAKEVSKA (2015).
Interactive storytelling in mixed reality. PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology. Technical Integration Specialist at Adyen, Netherlands |
Boris TAKAC (2014).
Context-aware home monitoring system for Parkinson’s
disease patients. PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology & Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Software Engineer at MEYN – Food Processing Technology B.V., Oostzaan, Netherlands |
Huang Ming CHANG (2014).
in archetypal media content.
Leonid IVONIN (2014).
Digitizing archetypal human experience through physiological signals. PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology & Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Awarded in 2014 with CUM LAUDE, the top 5% thesis at TU/e. SAP consultant and Owner/CEO of HX research, Moscow, Russia. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship at Bristol Interaction and Graphics Group |
Roman GORBUNOV (2013).
emotions and cooperative behavior. PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology. This PhD is Roman's 2nd Doctoral Degree. Data Scientist at Supercrunch, Nurnberg, Germany |
[2009-2012] |
TAN (2010).
Smart system
for aircraft passenger neck support. PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology. Awarded in 2011 with Bronze Medal at Malaysia Technology Expo [PDF] Associate Professor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia |
[2007-2010] |
Hao LIU (2010).
controlled recommendation in entertainment system. PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology. R&D manager of Xiaomi Inc., Beijing, China |
[2006-2010] |
Elise van den HOVEN (2004).
recollection cues. PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology.
Professor, School of Computer Science, University of Technology Sydney, Australia |
[1999-2004] |
Dennis ABRAZHEVICH (2004).
Electronic payment
systems: A user-centered
perspective and interaction design.
PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology. Owner and CEO of Mobilnova, Eindhoven, Netherlands |
[1999-2004] |
Sriram SUBRAMANIAN (2004).
interfaces for volume navigation. |
[1999-2004] |
Arnout FISCHER (2003).
User adaptation
in user-system interaction. PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology. Associate Professor, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Group, Wageningen University, Netherlands |
[1999-2003] |
Dzmitry ALIAKSEYEU (2003).
A computer support
tool for the early stages of architectural design. PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology. Senior Scientist, Philips Research, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Henning BREUER (2001).
Kultivation und Imagination in den neuen Medien.
PhD Thesis, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany.
Founder UX Berlin - Innovation Consulting,
Morten FJELD (2001).
Designing for tangible
interaction. PhD Thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich. Awarded in 2001 with the ETH medal, the top 5% thesis at ETH Zurich. Professor, Department of Computing Science, Chalmers Göteborg University, Sweden
My favourite Master students [BACK TO TOP]
*** not maintained anymore since 2013 ***
Irandoust, K. (2013) Path of life in mixed reality. Master
Thesis, Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Zhou, L. (2012). Application design of
decision aid for prostate cancer patients. Master
Thesis, Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Witjes, J. (2011).
Home work. Master
Thesis, Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Westelaken van den, R. (2009).
Increasing comfort for
long-haul air travel in an economy class environment. Master Thesis,
Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Mortel van de D. (2005).
From passive to active forms. In: L. Feijs, S. Kyffin & B. Young (eds.)
Design and semantics of form and movements. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V., pp. 110-117.
Egger O. (1996).
Internet behavior and
Technical Report,
ETH Zurich.
Flückiger M. (1995).
Komplexität und Messung von Komplexität.
Technical Report IfAP/ETH/CC-01-95,
ETH Zurich.
Hof M.
Metaphor engineering: a participatory approach. In: W. Schuler, J. Hannemann
& N. Streitz (Eds.), Designing User Interfaces for Hypermedia (pp. 58-67).
Aeppli R.
Learning in man-machine systems: the measurement of behavioural and cognitive
complexity. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man
and Cybernetics--SMC'95 (Vol. 5, pp. 4685-4690). Piscataway: IEEE.
Styger E.
Positive effects of sound feedback during the operation of a plant simulator.
Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 876, pp. 35-44.
Hoffmann J.
From novice to expert decision behaviour: an automatic modeling approach with
Petri nets. In: K. Pawlik (ed.), Abstracts des 39.
Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Hamburg 1994 (Band I, S. 294-295).
Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Cachin C.
Locating the primary attention focus of the user. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Vol. 733, pp. 129-140.
Leuchter C. (1992).
Das AMME Manual.
Technical Report IfAP/ETH/C-3-92,
ETH Zurich.
My favourite Bachelor students [BACK TO TOP]
*** not maintained anymore since 2009 ***
Kooijmans T. (2007).
Advice from a Caterpillar. Bachelor Thesis, Industrial Design,
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Damgrave R. (2005).
Parking jam. Bachelor Thesis, Industrial Design, Eindhoven University
of Technology, The Netherlands.[The Theo Makkink Parking Prize was won by
Roy Damgrave (21), industrial design student at Eindhoven University of
Technology, for his entry known as 'Parking Jam'.]
Holtkamp R. (2005).
Care the nature, but
keep moving. Bachelor Thesis, Industrial Design, Eindhoven University
of Technology, The Netherlands.
Vlist van der B. (2005).
Danger exposed
propeller blades. Bachelor Thesis, Industrial Design, Eindhoven
University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Mauch T.,
Stebler R. (1996).
The Digital Playing Desk: a Case Study for Augmented Reality. In:
Proceedings IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human
Communication--ROMAN'96 (IEEE Catalog Number: 96TH8179, pp. 410-415).
Piscataway: IEEE Press.
Berny P., Lordong G., Schmid A., Zemp M., Zürcher T. (1995).
Designing multi media user interfaces with eye recording data. In: A. Grieco,
G. Molteni, E. Occhipinti & B. Piccoli (eds.), Work with Display Units--WWDU'94
(pp. 265-270). Amsterdam: North-Holland.
Dätwyler M., Sperisen M. (1995).
From competition to collaboration through a shared social space. In: B.
Blumental, J. Gornostaev & C. Unger (eds.), East-West International Conference
on Human-Computer Interaction--EWHCI'95 (Vol. II, pp. 94-101). Moscow:
International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information.
Meyer C., Strässler M. (1991).
Ein Bewertungsschema für HyperText-Systeme und ein vergleichender Überblick über
HyperTies, HyperPad, HyperCard und Guide.
In: J.
Encarnacao (Hrsg.), Proceedings der GI-Jahrestagung 1991 (Informatik
Fachberichte Nr. 293, S. 554-565). Berlin: Springer.
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Lawrence, S. (2001). Online or invisible?. Nature 411(6837), pp.521ff
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