History of HCI


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Table of Contents

History of HCI

History of Computer Technology

Konrad Zuse (1910-1995)

Z3 (1941)

Eniac (1943)

Mark I (1944)

von Neuman Architecture (1946)

Princeton Architecture (1946)

Mainframe Computers

Enabling Technology

Historical overview

Vannevar Bush (1890-1974)

Vannevar Bush (1945)

Memex design sketch (1945)

J.R. Licklider (1915-1990)

Vision/Goals (1945-1995)

Mid 1960’s

DEC PDP-1 (1961)

Ivan Sutherland (1938-)

Sketchpad (1963)

Douglas C. Engelbart (1925 - )

The First Mouse (1964)

Augment/NLS (1968)

Alan C. Kay (1940-)

FLEX & Dynabook (1969)

Theodor (Ted) H. Nelson (1937-)

Nicholas Negroponte (ca 1938-)

Personal Computers (PC)

Input/output devices

IBM (1974)

IBM (1975)

IBM (1981)

DOS (history)

Bill Gates (1955-)

MS DOS (1981)

PCs with GUIs

Xerox Alto (precursor to the Star)

Xerox Star - ‘81

Xerox Star (1981)

Xerox Star (GUI)

Xerox Star (history)

Apple II (1977)

Apple Lisa - ‘82

Apple Lisa (1983)

Apple Lisa (applications)

Apple Macintosh - ‘84

Apple Macintosh (1984)

Apple Macintosh (GUI)

Apple Macintosh (history)

MS Windows (1987)

Microsoft Windows (history)

Oberon at ETH (1985)

Ben Shneiderman (1947-)

Historical Overview (1945-1995)

Mobile Phone (1954)

What is Virtual Reality (VR)?

Dimensions to define VR

Classification of VR and other Media

History of VR (technological milestones)

Morton Heilig

Sensorama (1956)

Headsight System (1961)

Ultimate Display (1965)

Grope (1967)

Sayre Glove (1977)

Digital Data Entry Glove (1983)

VIEW (ca.1985)

Virtual Cockpit (1987)

Input Devices (overview)

Input Devices (1)

Input Devices (2)

Input Devices (3)

Input Devices (4)

Output Devices (1)

Output Devices (2)

Output Devices (3)

Output Devices (4)

Ubiquitous Computing (1991)

Apple’s Newton (1992)

PARCtab (1993)

Unistroke alphabet

Half-QWERTY (1993)

PalmPilot (1996)

PalmPilot alphabet

Newton MessagePad 2x00 (1997)

Brian Shackel (ca 1920-)

Tim Berners-Lee (1955-)

World Wide Web (1990)

Historical Overview: Robots

UNIMATE (1961)

Wabot-1 (1973)

SONY’s AIBO (1999)

SDR-3X (2000)

Augmented Reality (AR)

AR (historical overview)

AR at Boeing (1990)

Motion-stabilized AR Display (1994)

Fiducial tracking (1994)

MIT Wearables (1996-)

Digital Desk (1991)

ImmersaDesk (1994)

Build-It (1996)

Cubby (1997)

Virtual Workbench (1998)

DynaWall & CommChairs (1998)

Horizontal 3D Displays (1998)

Speech and Voice in User Interface

Speech Signal Processing (1949)

Speech Recognizer (1952)

TX-0 (1959)

History of Speech Recognition Technology

History of DARPA speech recognition benchmark

Speech controlled application

International Standards

Author: Matthias Rauterberg

Email: g.w.m.rauterberg@tue.nl

Home Page: http://www.idemployee.id.tue.nl/g.w.m.rauterberg/presentations.html

Other information:
(c) TU/e, Eindhoven

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