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Distributing the questionnaire

The questionnaire should give an overview of different Internet users. Since their is no particular interest group for a questionnaire like this, a competition was added to induce more people to take part in the survey. The questionnaire was first distributed within Switzerland and then world-wide:

week one:

e-mail with announcement of questionnaire to all colleagues.

e-mail to universities, Internet cafes and Internet providers in Switzerland, asking them to make a link from their server to this questionnaire.

announcement in news groups: ch.general and swiss.soc.culture.

e-mail to i-a-s-g group.

week three:

announcement in news groups:, alt.irc.misc and alt.mud.misc.

announcement in different WWW-sites, which collecting and distribute new WWW-sites.

end of week four:

end of competition.

end of week six:

end of survey.

We would like to thank all of the people and organisations who have set up a link or distributed the questionnaire. The questionnaire was also mentioned in distribution lists.

There were not a lot of reactions to the questionnaire. Inside one news group a critique of the questionnaire was sent. A few people made contact by e-mail, because they are occupied with similar research. Most of the people used the comment box.